Now here is the part where the plot falls apart : MI6 send out James bond to participate in the tournament to prevent him from recouping his money under the belief that that a defeat would force Le Chiffre to aid the British government in exchange for protection from his creditors. Under enormous pressure to recoup their money Le Chiffre sets up a high-stakes Texas hold 'em tournament at the Casino Royale in Montenegro. This causes Le Chiffre to lose his 'Clients' money Who are none too happy about it. Then Bond foils Le Chiffre's plan to destroy a prototype Skyfleet airliner by stopping the fuel truck a henchman was planning to crash into the aeroplane. Ġ07 discovers the involvement of the banker and terrorist financier Le Chiffre whose investments involve short-selling stock in successful companies using his clients' ( read :terrorists ) money, and then engineering terrorist attacks to sink their share prices, creating huge profits for himself. īut the plot of CR requires MI6 to be filled with idiots who totally lack any form of common sense to work. Bond accepts a mission to defeat a Russian agent, Le Chiffre. Sure, The plotline of most of the movies never goes farther then 'Evil mustache twirling villain wants to rule the world, 007 is sent out to stop him while seducing every hot woman he comes across and causing lots of carnage and explosions. It tells the story of one man, James Bond, and his evolution into a committed spy and secret agent.